Android Lollipop - suddenly black screen on display

If the operating systemAndroid Lollipop is installed onyour smartphone, then it can happen overnight, that the display shows nothing or only a black color. Only the soft key buttons are illuminated. If this applies to your Android Lollipopsmartphone, then you want to fix it, of course.

Assumed, it's up to a software error and not a technicaldefective, you can solve the problem with the black display as follows:

1. Perform a Wipe Cache Partition in Android Lollipop

By a Wipe Cache, old system files from Android Lollipop on your smartphone will be deleted. This means that the error can be achieved with the black screen. The Wipe cache partition can be performed on an Android smartphone in different ways. With a Samsung smartphone that works as follows:

Turnas the first thing your Android Lollipop off by long pressing on the Power On/ Off button. Now you have to press the following keys to turn the AndroidLollipop smartphone back on:

  • Power On / Off
  • Volume up
  • Home button

If the smartphone vibrates once, the power on/ off button can be released, but keep the other two keys from the key combination pressed until a menu appears on the display.

Now mark the entry "Wipe Cache partition" with the volume down key. With the Power On/ Off button, the entry is selected and the process started. This usually takes only a few seconds. Then the previously displayed menureappears. Now select the first entry with "Reboot system now" and executes the command again with a press of the power button. Your smartphone will now reboot.

Should this procedure have not helped, then try the following tip:

2. StartSmartphone in Safe Mode

It may be that an app on your Android Lollipop smartphone causes the display to stay dark. With third-party apps, this may well be the case. To check this, boot your Android smartphone Lollipop in "safe mode".

In secure mode, only system files are loaded in Android. Third-Party-Apps are not loaded. The Secure mode can be started on a Samsung smartphone as follows:

Switch off your smartphone completely. Now turn your Samsung smartphone on again, but keep pressing the volume down key. Hold the button until the “Enter the PIN” is displayed. You already see now at the bottom left "Safe Mode". That's it! You now have booted your Samsung smartphone with Android Lollipop in the safe mode.

Should you use a different phone, please use our search above right to use the above mentioned tips.

We hope that you can solve the problem with the blank screen on your smartphone with one of the two tips.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.