Are there chameleons in Hawaii? We give you a hint where to watch

People who are planning a holiday in Hawaii and are interested in the animal world, may have heard of chameleons on the islands. But is that really true?

And if so, where will one be able to see them? We would like to give you some tips to see chameleons in Hawaii. To watch a chameleon on Hawaii this is mainly possible on Maui. There are plenty of rainforest where these reptiles like to stay.

Unfortunately, the probability is not particularly high times to meet such an animal on the street, especially since the camouflage of the animal is perfect. For this reason, we recommend you to go to Maui in the following botanical garden:

  • Kula Botanical Gardens

Here, besides a reptile walk with Jackson Chameleons, there are also free-living animals. The chameleons feel particularly well in the botanical garden due to the flora and fauna. And so you have the best chance to see and photograph a chameleon in the wild.

We have seen three different chameleons on our way through the botanical garden. Partially really well hidden.

Below are a few impressions of chameleons in Hawaii, Maui, Kula Botanical Gardens:

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.