Google Play Store error 941 - solution!

It may happen that you receive the following error message is displayed within the Google Play stores:

"App could not be downloaded because of an error (941)"

The number 941 stands for the error code of the message. Usually it is not possible to download apps from the Google Play Store when error 941 is displayed on the Android smartphone.

So that you can download apps from the Google Play Store again without getting the error 941, you have to apply the following little trick.

Open on your Android smartphone from the Home Screen the menu and then Settings. Scroll down a bit to "Application Manager".

If you have opened this, change to the tab "All" and then look for the app "Google Play Store". Have you found this, tap it once to display the app information. In these you will find a button with "Clear Data"

Tap on the entry and then restart the Google Play Store. The error 941 should no longer appear when downloading a app now.

If not, proceed as above, but now tap on "uninstall updates".

The error 941 should be away.   You know now how to fix the error 941 within the Google Play Store at your android smartphone

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.