Google Play Store Error DF-SA-01 - solution

It is possible that the following error appears in the Google Play Store of your Android smartphone or tablet:

"Error while retrieving information from server: [DF-SA-01]"

If you get this error message in the Google Play Store of your Android smartphone / tablet, then you can try the following troubleshooting that solve this problem in general.

Perform the following steps at your android device:

Step 1: Clear data and cache of the Google Play Store

Navigate with your device into the settings, and then click "Application Manager". Then switch to the "All" tab and search for "Google Play Store". Tap the entry to open the app information. You now see several buttons. Push them in the following order:

     - Force stop
     - Clear cache
     - Clear data

After you've tapped the three buttons, you can close the app information and proceed to the next step:

Step 2: Reset the app preferences

You still find yourself now in the Application Manager on the tab "All". Tap now at the top right on the three-point icon and select "Reset app preferences" . A warning message appears. This can be confirmed with the Button "Reset apps".

Done! If you now open the Google Play Store on your Android smartphone, the message "Error while retrieving information from server: [DF-SA-01]" should no longer appear.

If that did not work, you can still try the following:

Step 3 : Uninstall updates of the Google Play Store

Navigate again to Settings --> Application Manager --> tab "All" -> Google Play Store

Tap this time at the button "uninstall updates". Then reboot the phone. The Google Play store should now be opened without the error DF-SA-01.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.