HTC U11 No more reaction to input – Tip

A smartphone like the HTC U11 is nothing more than a small computer and so it can happen that the device suddenly no longer reacts. This means that neither input via the screen, nor via the hardware buttons are accepted. The HTC U11 is no longer operable.

We would now like to show you what you can do in such a case to restart the smartphone:

HTC U11 No reaction - restarting by using the soft reset

The only variant that helps you now is a so-called soft reset because the battery is firmly integrated into the housing and can no longer be removed. The soft restart corresponds however to the removal of the battery.

And this is done as follows:

Press and hold down the following two buttons simultaneously for at least 12 seconds:

  • Power Button
  • Volume Down Button

Your HTC U11 will now restart. The Android operating system is rebooted and the device should react again as usual on inputs. You now know what to do when the display of the HTC U11 is frozen and how to restart the device.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.