Huawei P8 How to import Sim card contacts – solution

If you have backed up your contacts on the SIM card, then you can easily import them to the Huawei P8. Android Lollipop has an integrated function within the Contacts app, with which it is very easy to transfer the contacts from the SIM card to the device.

We tell you now, how you can use this function on the Huawei P8. For this please proceed as follows:

Open on the Huawei P8 the contacts app and then tap in the overview on the icon with the three horizontal bars to open the menu. Now select "Import / Export" and in the next step "SIM card Import". You can now select the Sim card from which the contacts are to be transferred.

Then a list of all available contacts on the SIM card appears. Select here the contacts (or all) that you would like to transfer. Then select the new storage location of the contacts. For example, "Internal Memory" or "Google Account". Finished!

The import process will now start on your Huawei P8. You know now how to transfer contacts  from the sim card to the Huawei P8.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.