On the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 where is a calendar app with the name "S Planner" installed. In this app appointments can be managed and planned. In addition, it is also possible to display the preview of the weather for the next few days in the calendar. Access is given through the data of the factory-installed weather widget, which of course must be enabled. To display the weather directly within the calendar is a quite useful feature if you can consider recreational activities in its scheduling.
Wherefore we would like to explain here how to to show the weather in the Calendar app on the Samsung Galaxy Note 4. For this purpose, please complete the following steps:
Open from the home screen of your Samsung Galaxy Note 4 the app menu and then the app "S Planner". In this tap at the top right symbol with the three points and then in the little popup menu "Settings". In the "View" section you can now put a check in the checkbox at "7 day weather forecast" to integrate a preview weather icon for the next seven days. With that option you can plan you appointments a bit based on the weather. Have fun with it!