Samsung Galaxy Note 5 How to unlock Developer Options – solved

With the developer options on the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 you can use or activate various settings that are not found in the general settings. That's logical, because usually these settings are only used by app developers. Nevertheless, there are some nice options in the Developer features that can help. These include, for example, the USB debugging.

In order to see the developer mode on the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 in Android, you have to unlock it first. We now explain exactly how this works on the Samsung Galaxy Note 5:

  1. First open the menu and then the Android settings
  2. Tap at the bottom of the list at Device Information
  3. Now you will see a variety of information, including "build number"
  4. Touch now rapidly several times on the entry. After about the seventh time tapping, a message box appears stating that the developer mode is enabled in Android.
  5. You can now find within the settings a new menu item: Developer Options
  6. Tap on the entry to open them. The developer options can be enabled using the controller at the top right. You can use all the developer settings on your Android phone now.

You have now learned how to activate on the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 the Android developer’s options.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.