Samsung Galaxy S4 Android Lollipop camera shortcut on lock screen

With the new Android lollipop on the Samsung Galaxy S4, it is now possible to place a shortcut to the camera on the lock screen even if it is secured by pin or pattern.

This was previously not possible. With this feature you can now take faster pictures and videos with the Samsung Galaxy S4, since the pin does not need to be entered for photographing.

To use the shortcut for the camera on the lock screen of the Samsung Galaxy S4, you have to activate it first in Android Lollipop as follows:

Open from the home screen the menu and then the settings. Jump on the tab "My Device" and then select “Lock Screen”. In this submenu, you can now activate the "camera shortcut" option by setting a hook in the checkbox behind it. Finished!

From now on you can use the camera on your Samsung Galaxy S4 directly from the lock screen with the small icon at the bottom right. Wipe this camera icon into the center of the screen and the camera simply opens on your Samsung Galaxy S4 directly from the lock screen.

You know now how to activate the camera shortcut for the lock screen in Android lollipop.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.