Samsung Galaxy S4 Disable Automatic app updates - Solution

If you download apps  to your Samsung Galaxy S4 from the Google Play Store, then these apps are automatically updated when a newer version is published by the programmer.
These automatic app updates in the Google Play Store will always help to keep apps and applications up to date. However, it is not always an advantage when apps are automatically downloaded and installed, as sometimes new app functions are unwanted or old functions are no longer available. For this reason it makes sense to disable automatic updates of apps and applications in the Google Play store on the Samsung Galaxy S4. How to do this, we want to explain to you in our post:

Just open the Google Play Store on your Samsung Galaxy S4. Now tap on the Options button next to the home button and open the menu. Now the menu item "Settings” needs to be tapped. You are now in the Google Play Store settings. Here you see immediately in the second place the entry "Auto-Update Apps". Tap this menu item and set the mark from "Auto-Update apps over WiFi only" to "Do not Auto-Update apps".
That's it. From now on new updates of apps and applications will not be automatically updated by the Google Play store on your Samsung Galaxy S4. However, you have to check yourself whether new updates are available and install them manually if necessary.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.