Samsung Galaxy S4 Use screen in black and white colors to save energy - Solved

In Android Lollipop on the Samsung Galaxy S4 there is no ultra-energy-saving mode, but you can adjust with a little trick that the screen is only displayed in monochrome colors. Monochrome means that all colors are in shades of gray or black and white. As a result, more energy is saved because the screen no longer needs to display colors. We show you now in this article how you can set the display to monochrome on the Samsung Galaxy S4.

Open from the home screen the menu and then the settings. Now here you have to tap on the tab "Options". Then scroll down a bit until you get the developer options displayed. If this is not the case, then you must activate it first. This works as follows:

Enable developer options in Android lollipop on the Samsung Galaxy S4

Tap "Device Information". There you will find the entry "build number".

In order to unlock the developer options on the Samsung Galaxy S4, you need to tap in quick succession on the "Build Number" entry. After seven times tapping, the developer options are activated, which can be accessed in the Settings -->"Options" tab.

Switch display of the Samsung Galaxy S4 to monochrome colors
Open now the developer options. Scroll down to the section "Hardware-accelerated rendering". In this section you can now find "simulate color space". Tap on this option and you can now select in a new window which colors are to be simulated. Select here:

  • Monochromacy

The display of your Samsung Galaxy S4 shows now only the colors black and white. This, in conjunction with the "normal" energy saving mode of the Samsung Galaxy S4 saves significantly more battery power.

You know now how to enable the monochrome display colors of the Samsung Galaxy S4.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.