Samsung Galaxy S5 Android Lollipop Manage application Notifications

Who installed on the Samsung Galaxy S5, the new firmware update Android Lollipop, has now the comfortable ability to manage application notifications. Application Notifications are messages that are displayed by an application on the screen or in the status bar of the Samsung Galaxy S5. The most apps give out such notifications. Runtastic for example reminds you of workouts and fitness plans.

The management of the application notifications in Android lollipop on the Samsung Galaxy S5 can easily be handled.

We show you now there in Android lollipop these settings can be made on the Samsung Galaxy S5.

For this open the following submenu:

Home Screen --> App Menu --> Settings --> Sounds & Notifications --> Application Notifications

Here you can see all apps, where you can enable or disable the notifications on the Samsung Galaxy S5. Just tap on an app and remove the "Show Notifications" hook to not to display them. Otherwise to activate the notification, the hook must of course be set in the checkbox to activate the function.

You know now how to activate on the Samsung Galaxy S5 convenient and comfortable notifications of apps.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.