Samsung Galaxy S5 delete contacts on the SIM card

You may have saved contacts on the sim card, which is inserted in your Samsung Galaxy S5 , but now want to delete them. We will show you in this article how you can simply display the contacts on the sim and then delete them. You arrange this on your Samsung Galaxy S5 as follows: Open the Contacts app and navigate through the three-point-icon at the top right into the" settings".

Than go to:" Contacts" --> " Display Contacts"

Select "Sim card". Go back to the Contacts Overview. You will now only get displayed contacts that are saved on the sim card in your Samsung Galaxy S5. This allows you to delete them as follows. Tap again on the top right three-point icon and then in the menu that opens, click "Delete". Now you can select the contacts you want to delete from the SIM card. There is also the possibility of " Select All Contacts ". Once you have made your selection, press at the top right on "Finish" to perform the deletion. You now know how to delete contacts from the SIM card of the Samsung Galaxy S5 and Android.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.