Samsung Galaxy S5 How to delete widgets – solution

On the Samsung Galaxy S5 different widgets can be found from factory on the home screen. These are for example:
S Health, Geo News, Flipboard, Galaxy apps and many more. Usually you do not need these apps on the home screen, so now the following question maybe occurs:

How do I delete widgets on the home screen of the Samsung Galaxy S5?

This question we want to answer in a nutshell to you here. To delete widgets in Android Lollipop or even older versions of Android, you must do the following on the Samsung Galaxy S5:
If you are seeing the widget on the home screen of the Samsung Galaxy S5 you want to delete, then press long with your finger on it until it sets apart from the home screen. At the same time a trash can icon will appear above.

Drag the widget with your finger on the screen in this trash can icon to delete the widget from the home screen. Once the finger is directly on the trash, you can remove your finger from the screen. The widget has been deleted successfully.

You know now how to remove on the Samsung Galaxy S5 a widget from the home screen.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.