Samsung Galaxy S5 - Ultra power saving mode - Remove Apps

With the Ultra power saving mode on the Samsung Galaxy S5, you can extend the battery life up to 10 days. However, in this mode, only a limited number of apps is available, which can be placed as shortcuts on the home screen. As a result, the processor of the Samsung Galaxy S5 is utilized only very small, resulting in connection with the grayscale mode of the display to the long battery life of your smartphone.

We want you now briefly explain how to remove within the Ultra power saving mode of the Samsung Galaxy S5 apps from the home screen and add new there.

For this purpose, you must tap within the ultra power saving mode at the top right on the three-point icon and then tap "Remove" in the small menu. You can now remove three of the six apps. Tap on the minus symbol in the appropriate app. You are now able to add a new app to the Ultra Power Save mode, tap on the home screen on the now visible plus symbol. This will now show you the applications that can be added to the shortcuts in the ultra power saving mode.

Select an app from the list which is then displayed on the home screen of the ultra energy-saving mode of the Samsung Galaxy S5.

You know now how to remove on the Samsung Galaxy S5 apps in Ultra power saving mode home screen and how to add a new one.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.