Samsung Galaxy S6 Camera - Disable “review pics” after taking images

Whenever you take with the Samsung Galaxy S6 a photo it is displayed directly to you again afterwards. This feature will help you to quickly check that the shot Photo will meet your needs. But usually it is the fact that this review image is more of a hindrance than useful. I you want to take pictures one behind the other, then the image preview interrupts. In the worst case, you will miss a nice photo opportunity.

To prevent this, we now show you how you can deactivate the image review on the Samsung Galaxy S6 after taking a picture. This works as follows:

Open the camera app on your Samsung Galaxy S6.

In Live View mode, tap the gear icon to open the settings. You can now see all the options the camera software has to offer. One option is "Review Pics/ videos"

Tap the option and disable it. As a result, you receive from now on no preview image immediately after taking a picture with the Samsung Galaxy S6. You can take photos in quick succession and without interruptions now.

You now know how to disable on the Samsung Galaxy S6 the image preview after taking a picture.


About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.