If you notice on your Samsung Galaxy S6 that the battery will be empty soon, this usually has to do with an app that keeps running in the background and withdraws resources. Normally, the Samsung Galaxy S6 when it is in stand-by changes in a kind of sleep mode. The processing power is reduced to a minimum. If the processor of the Samsung Galaxy S6 however constantly is stressed by an app, then this costs a lot of battery power.
That is why we now tell you how to find out this app, which was usually downloaded from an App Store.
On the Samsung Galaxy S6 with Android, there is a feature included, which allows you to check such power consuming apps. This app you can display as follows. Open on the smartphone the following path:
Home Screen --> Menu --> Battery
In this menu you will find at the end of the section "Unusual battery consumption". Here all the apps are displayed that have consumed a considerable percentage of the battery charge during the stand-by.
So you can check at a glance which appsucked the battery of your Samsung Galaxy S6 empty.
Mostly it makes sense to delete this app from your phone and, if possible, and to replace it with another app.
You know now how you can find on the Samsung Galaxy S6 apps that artificially drive the battery consumption in the height and force you to charge frequently.