Samsung Galaxy S6 does not start– Tip

It can happen with your Samsung Galaxy S6 that this suddenly switches off and can no longer be turned on. This behavior may be due to various causes. It could be overheating of the electronics, a defect in the battery or a fault in the Android system. In any event, the Samsung Galaxy S6 can´t be enabledvia the power button.

If this happens also with your device, then please test the following tips to get your smartphone back on and running:

1. Connect the device to the charger

Connect the Samsung Galaxy S6 to your charger and wait for about 5 minutes. Then press again the power button and verify if the phone can restart. The external power supply can be used to check whether the battery is the reason that the Samsung Galaxy S6 cannot longer be turned on.

2. Use hotkey for Recovery Menu

Press on your Samsung Galaxy S6 the following key combination and keep it pressed for about 7 seconds.

  • Power Button
  • Volume -

This will now lead you in the Recovery menu of the Samsung Galaxy S6, which means that the phone is turned on. If so, then select "Reboot now" and confirm the input by pressing the power button. Usually your Samsung Galaxy S6 is then rebooted and the Android operating system loaded

3. Warranty

If that does not work, we recommend you to return the device and to make use of the guarantee. It is then assumed that a defect exists that should be necessarily solved.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.