It can sometimes happen that a WhatsApp contact bother you with his message so much, that you want to block this contact on the Samsung Galaxy S6. Blocking means that no WhatsApp messages are received anymore on your Samsung Galaxy S6 from this person.
How to block a contact in WhatsApp we want to explain in more detail here:
Open on the Samsung Galaxy S6 "WhatsApp" and then tap within the chat Overview at the top right corner on the three-point symbol. In the opening menu navigate further on "Settings" and then:
Account --> Privacy --> Blocked Contacts
About the icon at the top right, you can now add a contact to the Blacklist. Select a contact from your list. This is now set to the Blacklist of WhatsApp, which means that you will receive no more messages from this contact person.
You know now how you can block a contact within WhatsApp on the Samsung Galaxy S6.