There is the possibility on the Samsung Galaxy S6 beside the multi-window mode to viw apps in the so-called "split screen " mode. How to use the "Split Screen View" in Android on the Samsung Galaxy S6, we want to tell you here:
Supposed you would like to display WhatsApp constant. Tap once on the left soft key button of the Samsung Galaxy S6. You now see the application window and all the apps that you had opened the last time. Each app is a field where you find in the upper right corner two symbols.
Tap here at the Whats App field on the icon with the two squares which are on top of each other. This symbol stands for the "split screen", which will be displayed immediately. In our example WhatsApp is now displayed on the Samsung Galaxy S6 in the upper part of the screen. In the lower part of the screen you can normally open other apps or settings.
You now know how to use on the Samsung Galaxy S 6, the split-screen view.