Samsung Galaxy S6 no mobile network abroad – solution

If you are traveling abroad with your Samsung Galaxy S6 and for exampletake the smartphone out of the flight mode after the landing of the aircraft, it may happen that no mobile network is found.

Mostly when the Samsung Galaxy S6 has no mobile connection power, the power indicator on the status bar only displays a crossed circle. If you have this problemabroad, then we want to help you, how to dial in again in a mobile network.

Proceed as follows on your Samsung Galaxy S6:

At the beginning start from the home screen and then navigate through the menu into the settings of Android. Here tap in the section "Connections" on "Mobile networks". Select in the next submenu "Network mode".

Set here the network mode to "GSM only". GSM is the most widely used and best-developed mobile network in the world, because it is already very long present and available worldwide in many fields. Do you have the setting set, tap as next step within the same sub-menu to "network operators ". Here you can manually search for network operators. Tap on “Search networks”.

Your Samsung Galaxy S6 will now search for available network operators, in which the Samsung Galaxy S6 can dial in.

The own network operator usually has signed a cooperation agreementwith foreign operators and a network should always be selectable, which also has a partnership with your contractor.

Should you accidentally select a wrong network, then you must not be afraid, because then you receive the following error message on the screen: "Your Sim card cannot connect to this network"

If there are multiple networks, then you have to try each until you can dial in.If you have found the correct network, then you are now immediately connected with your Samsung Galaxy S6 with this mobile network and thus make calls abroad, write text messages and surf the mobile data network. The settings should be retained by the Samsung Galaxy S6 for your next stay in this country.

We hope that the article has helped you, when the Samsung Galaxy S6 cannot register to a mobile network abroad.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.