Samsung Galaxy S6 record Photosphere pictures

Photosphere shots are images that depict the environment as if you just stands at the center itself while watching on your screen. Photosphere images give a view in all directions. However, one must use a special software for this type of camera shot.

If you would like to make 360 ​​° Photosphere shots with the Samsung Galaxy S6, then you need to download the appropriate camera mode. We show here how this works:

Openon the Samsung Galaxy S6 from the home screen of the camera app. Then tap at the bottom left on "Mode". There are now all camera modes listed, which are installed on the Samsung Galaxy S6. In order to install the photosphere mode, you have to scroll down and tap "Download." This opens the Samsung App Store. Here are all available camera modes for the Samsung Galaxy S6 are displayed to you.

Search for "Surround Shot".

This mode is made for Photosphere recordings and will help you to create such a picture with the Samsung Galaxy S6. Tap on the entry and you can install it. Then, the mode is available within the camera app. Have fun shooting Photosphere pictures with your Samsung Galaxy S6.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.