Samsung Galaxy S6 starts itself again and again – Tip

If your Samsung Galaxy S6smartphone continuously restarts on its own, then you should try the following tips to solve the problem. These are as follows:

1. Start the Safe Mode on the Samsung Galaxy S6

With the Safe Mode you can check if apps from the Google Play Store or another market are the cause of the frequent reboots. In the Safe Mode only files are loaded during the system boot, which are of relevant for the OS. Relevant means that only Android system files are loaded.

The safe mode can be initialized as follows:

Switches as first thing your Samsung Galaxy S6 completely off. Now turn your Samsung Galaxy S6 on again, but hold down the “volume –“key. Hold the button until you can enter the PIN. You already see now at the bottom left the text "Safe Mode".

Tests if the restart continues to occur on your smartphone. If not, then you should uninstall any app which you have downloaded from the store and recheck again, if the sudden reboots still occur.

2. Perform Wipe Cache

Using a Wipe cache partition old system files on your Samsung Galaxy S6 are deleted. This may help to solve the problem with the sudden reboots. In this instruction we tell you how to do.

3. Reset to Factory Settings

Resetting your smartphone to factory settings will delete all the files on your phone, but the error therefore could be fixed. The factory reset is definitely the last resort to prevent the sudden restarts of the smartphone. The factory reset can be carried out as follows: Instructions

4. The Samsung Galaxy S6 battery is too weak

When the Samsung Galaxy S6 battery is defective or too old, then the power that is demanded by the smartphone cannot be provided. Checks if your Samsung Galaxy S6 also restarts when the smartphone is connected to a charger cable or to a wireless charger.

If everything works fine, then we recommend you to send the Samsung Galaxy S6 in warranty.

You have now learned several tips which you should check if the Samsung Galaxy S6 suddenly performs reboots without any reason.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.