Samsung Galaxy S7 Always On Display Set the time period – Tip

The Samsung Galaxy S7 has an "Always On Display" as a special feature, which means that, for example, the time is displayed permanently on the display. In itself a very useful feature if you do not have a watch.

So far, however, it was so that the Always On Display could either be activated completely or not at all. Especially in the night this was quite disturbing. Samsung has now improved and there is the possibility to set a period for the Always On Display.

Samsung Galaxy S7

In our guide we show you how this works:

Open from your Samsung Galaxy S7: Home screen --> Settings --> Display --> Always On Display

In this submenu of your smartphone you will find the option "Clock Time Settings". Tap the entry and you can set a "start time" and an "end time" for the Always On Display. When the Always On Display is not activated, the night clock is displayed instead.

This new option is a useful feature that makes the use of the Always On Display, especially at night, more enjoyable. This is because the Always On Display can now be replaced by the night clock.

You now know how to set a period for the Always On Display on the Samsung Galaxy S7.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.