Samsung Galaxy S7 Disable Power Monitor App

On the Samsung Galaxy S7, Android Nougat has a function called "Energy Monitor". The energy monitor regulates energy consumption when you are not actively using an app.

This means that this app is restricted in the background by the Android operating system. The App Energy Monitor on the Samsung Galaxy S7 is actually useful, but you might wish to disable it. We'll tell you how to disable the App Energy Monitor in Anroid Nougat.

To do this, navigate to the following Android nougat submenu of your Samsung Galaxy S7:

Samsung Galaxy S7

1. From the Start screen, open the menu and then go to Settings

2. Next, go to Device Maintenance and then on the menu bar below on "Battery"

3. Tap the three point icon and go to "Advanced settings"

4. The next sub-menu will now open, where the "App Energy Monitor" of the Samsung Galaxy S7 can now be deactivated.

5. Move the slider to "inactive" - ​​finished!

You now know the procedure to turn off the app energy monitor on the Samsung Galaxy S7 with Android Nougat.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.