Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Flashlight and compass in sidebar

The Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge has a sidebar in which you can find tools and features, which makes it easier to use your smartphone. In this sidebar several panels are factory installed, but you can expand the sidebar also with more panels.

One of this is the Quick tool panel, which offers quick access to the flashlight, a compass and a ruler. We explain here how you can access quickly and easily the Quick Tools panel.

Samsung Galaxy S7

1. For this purpose, please open the app menu and then the Settings.

2. Then select the menu item "Edge Screen ".

3. You will now find various options for the side screen. Tap "Edge panels"

4. One of the panels is called "Quick Tools". Check this by placing the hook in the checkbox. Done!

If you now select the side panel of your Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, you can now scroll through the panels. In the Quick Tools panel you now can access:

  • ruler
  • compass (location data must be activated so that it can be used)
  • flashlight (the flashlight can be scaled at different levels of brightness, which is very useful)

You know now how the sidebar Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge can be expanded by the Quick Tools. Have fun with this handy sidebar on your phone.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.