Samsung Galaxy S7 Hide preinstalled Apps in menu

On the Samsung Galaxy S7 you can find various pre-installed apps and applications that cannot be uninstalled. These include apps like S Health, Samsung Gear, WhatsApp, all Microsoft apps and a few more.

Although you cannot uninstall these apps, you can at least hide them in the app menu. We show you here how to hide on the Samsung Galaxy S7 system apps. This works as follows:

Samsung Galaxy S7

Method 1:

Open the app menu and search here an app that cannot be uninstalled. Now press once long with your finger on the app until it lifts off and can be placed on the home screen. Do not let the app go, but hover the app in the top left to "disable". If the app icon is hovering directly over “disable”, let go it, to disable the app.

Method 2:

Open the app menu and tap in the up right at "Edit." Now a small minus symbols appears next to the app icons. Now tap on any app, which cannot be uninstalled. A window appears that this app is now disabled. Confirm the operation by tapping on the button "Disable". Done!

The deactivated apps are no longer displayed on the Samsung Galaxy S7, but continue to take up space on the internal memory. You have now learned how to hide on the Samsung Galaxy S7 System apps which cannot be deleted.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.