Samsung Galaxy S7 How to deactivate Upday on the home screen - Solved

On your Samsung Galaxy S7 the service "Upday" is activated from the factory. When you swipe on the home screen to the far left, then you will find "Upday". Upday is a news service which indicates compact news messages from your home country and the world.

However, it may be that you don´t want to use that service on your home screen and therefore to disable it. We show you exactly how this works on the Samsung Galaxy S7:

Disable Upday on the Samsung Galaxy S7 home screen

Samsung Galaxy S7

1. Tap first with your finger on a blank area of ​​the Home Screen and hold it for a short while or perform the Zoom-finger movement.

2. The Home screen shrinks and gives various options. Scroll at the home screen pages from the center to the extreme left. You can now disable Upday on the home screen of the Samsung Galaxy S7 "Upday" by using the slider at the top.

3. Upday can from now on no longer be opened on the home screen of the Samsung Galaxy S7 then you scroll all the way to the left. You have successfully deactivated this news service on the Samsung Galaxy S7 home screen.

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Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.