Samsung Galaxy S7 How to Disable Talkback – Solved

 Your Samsung Galaxy S7 talks to you and you cannot navigate properly within the Android menu? Then you have maybe activated the "Talkback" function. Talkback is a navigation aid for people with reduced visual visibility.

Usually one activates Talkback on the Samsung Galaxy S7, because one wants to try out, what conceals behind the function. So if you have activated Talkback on the Samsung Galaxy S7, then your smartphone will read you a lot when you are in a menu.

Samsung Galaxy S7

The navigation within the menus has also been adapted. This is also the reason why it is very difficult to disable TalkBack again. But not a problem, because we explain here now, how to navigate in talkback and disable the function again:

Control of the Samsung Galaxy S7 with activated talkback function:

A button must always be tapped twice quickly one after another to open an app or a menu point.

To open you can scroll through the menus or on Internet pages by placing two fingers on the display and performing the typical scrolling movement. Important: Both fingers must be on the display.

To switch between the home screens or to scroll through the menu, you must also touch the display with two fingers and wipe to the right or left.

Talkback can now be deactivated on the Samsung Galaxy S7:

Navigate from the home screen to:

Menu --> Settings --> Accessibility

Now scroll down to the bottom. Here you will find talkback. Tap the option and then disable the function by using the slider. Done!

You now know how to disable Talk Back on the Samsung Galaxy S7, if you have activated it by mistake.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.