Samsung Galaxy S7 How to do a Factory Reset - Solved

By reset the Samsung Galaxy S7 to factory settings, all data on your smartphone are deleted from the memory, and then filled with a fresh new the Android system. The factory reset on the Samsung Galaxy S7 is usually used in the following conditions:

Samsung Galaxy S7

  • A firmware update with version jump was installed
  • Strong problems with the Android Software (machine becomes hot, battery consumption dramatically, no reaction, etc.)
  • The Samsung Galaxy S7 is sold

Our guide shows you now, how to perform a factory reset on the Samsung Galaxy S7 and therefore resets the smartphone to factory settings.

First: Please remember to make a backup as all data is erased and otherwise irreparably lost!

Opens from the home screen of the Samsung Galaxy S7 the menu and then the system settings of Android.

1. Navigate there to: Backup and Reset

2. Select "Reset to Factory Settings".

3. Follow the Android Wizard to reset the Samsung Galaxy S7.

At the end of wizard the smartphone is restarted and the necessary actions performed. Once the Samsung Galaxy S7 has been rebooted, you will find this in the factory state, the time of delivery.

You have now successfully did a reset to factory settings on your Samsung Galaxy S7.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.