Samsung Galaxy S7 How to place widgets on the home screen

A major feature in Android and the Samsung Galaxy S7 is to use widgets on the home screen. Widgets allow you to display information from apps directly on the home screen.

But first you must place such a widget on the home screen of the Samsung Galaxy S7. We tell you here in this article, exactly how it works:

Samsung Galaxy S7

Find yourself a free spot on the home screen of the Samsung Galaxy S7. Now press long with your finger at this vacancy until the menu is somewhat reduced. So you will now see at the bottom small menu in which you can find the entry "widgets".

Tap on widgets to let you view all available widgets on the Samsung Galaxy S7. Scrolls through the widgets until you have found one that is to be placed on the home screen of your Samsung Galaxy S7.

Now press with your finger on the widget until this lifts and can then be placed on the home screen at any point. Let it go to place it at the desired location. Done!

Repeat the process for all the widgets you want to have on your home screen of your Samsung Galaxy S7. You know now how you can place on the Samsung Galaxy S7 widgets and then add them on the Home screen.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.