Samsung Galaxy S7 Sending text messages does not work anymore – solved

If you want to send a text message with your Samsung Galaxy S7, it may be that this does not work with the pre-installed message app. The SMS will simply not be sent and will remain in the mail outbox. So what can you do here?

The reason for is usually the following missing information for sending text message:

No number is set for the messaging center. This can be checked very quickly on the Samsung Galaxy S7 as follows:

Samsung Galaxy S7

1. On the Samsung Galaxy S7, open the messaging app with which you send your text message

2. In the overview, click the symbol with the three points and in the upper right corner. Then select "Settings".

3. From here, proceed to "Further settings" and then "SMS"

4. Here you see the entry "Message center". The following options are available:

  • Not set -> Enter the number of your provider for the messaging center
  • A number has been entered -> Check whether the number is correct

List of network provider numbers for the messaging center:

  • T-Mobile: +12063130004.
  • AT&T: +13123149810
  • Sprint: +17044100000
  • Verizon: +316540951000

After you have entered the number for the messaging center, restart the smartphone. Afterwards, you should be able to write SMS messages with your Samsung Galaxy S7.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.