Samsung Galaxy S8 does not find GPS satellites anymore - tip

It may happen to you that the Samsung Galaxy S8 suddenly no longer finds satellites when using the GPS. This means that, for example, your exact position can no longer be determined in Google Maps. The solution is relatively simple.

The reason for this is faulty A-GPS data. These must be brought up to date. How this works, we explain in the following article:

A-GPS data on the Samsung Galaxy S8

Samsung Galaxy S8

1. Download the free app "GPS Test" from the Google Play Store.

2. If you have installed GPS Test, please open it and switch the GPS of your Samsung Galaxy S8 to "on" if you have not already done so.

3. In the GPS Test app, open the menu by tapping the three points in the upper right corner. Select "AGPS". You will now see the settings for the app.

4. There are three buttons:

  • Clear and Update AGPS
  • Clear only
  • Update only

5. We recommend you to select "Clear and Update"

This should now bring the AGPS data of your Samsung Galaxy S8 back up to date and thus bring the GPS back to work. The best thing is to restart your smartphone once you have updated the AGPS data and then go outside. This gives you the fastest GPS fix.

You now know how to proceed when the GPS of the Samsung Galaxy S8 is no longer able to position you correctly, or if you cannot find satellites anymore.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.