Samsung Galaxy S8 How to add Weather Widget on home screen

The Homescreen of your Samsung Galaxy S8 is relatively empty when you buy the device, so you can equip it with widgets and app shortcuts. You may want to place a weather widget on the home screen to know the weather of the next few days.

Here is a great selection of weather apps. One of the most popular apps is "Accu Weather" and "Weather".

We'll show you how to add these weather widgets to the Samsung Galaxy S8's home screen:

Place Accu Weather on the Start screen

Samsung Galaxy S8

Since Accu Weather is not installed at the factory, you must first download and install the app from the Google Play Store. Here is the download link:

After Accu Weather is installed, touch your finger for a long time on the home screen. This will shrink and you can now select "Widgets" in the menu bar below. You will now see all available widgets. Scroll through the list until you see "Accu Weather".

Press and hold a finger on Accu Weather's portfolio widget so that it can be placed on the start screen of the Samsung Galaxy S8.

You now know how you can also view the weather and the preview from the home screen at your Samsung Galaxy S8.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.