Waterbed how many liters fit in – estimate weight

A waterbed brings many advantages, so you may want to buy such a bed. However, you may also worry about the ceiling load especially if you do not want the bed on the ground floor but in one of the upper floors.

Because a waterbed can be very heavy. In addition, it is often important for household contents insurances to determine how much water is absorbed by such a waterbed. We would like to tell you here for different standard sizes the filling quantity and thus also the approximate weight of the waterbed.

Note: The weight of the waterbed itself is approx. 80 - 100 kg.

This additional weight comes from foam wedges, the platform and the weight of the mattress.

Waterbed with the dimensions 180 cm x 200 cm

  • Filling capacity: approx. 570 liters of water
  • Total weight: approx. 660 kg

Waterbed with the dimensions 200 cm x 200 cm

  • Filling capacity: approx. 600 liters Water
  • Total weight: approx. 680 kg

Waterbed with the dimensions 200 cm X 220 cm

  • Filling capacity: approx. 720 liters Water
  • Total weight: approx. 800 kg

Waterbed with the dimensions 200 cm x 240 cm

  • Filling capacity: approx. 820 liters Water
  • Total weight: approx. 900 kg

Each waterbed has a special design, which is why the actual weight is manufacturer-dependent. The abovementioned filling quantities and weights, however, are already a very good orientation.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.