If you have installed an app on the Samsung Galaxy S5 and this causes problems during uninstalling, then we here show you a trick on how to fix this problem. In general, there is a serious problem with the app, if it can not be deleted from the Samsung Galaxy S5. So you have to boot the smartphone in the so-called "Safe Mode". In this mode the app can be uninstalled from the Samsung Galaxy S5 very simple. How to boot the Samsung Galaxy S5 in Safe Mode we want to show you here in our article:
Power off the Samsung Galaxy S5 completely. Then keep the power button pressed to boot the smartphone. Once the screen is activated and displays the start logo, immediately hold the volume quieter button. Keep it pressed until the sim-pin is queried. At the bottom left you should now find a field with "Safe Mode". Now type your pin as usual and then tap in the next window at "Touch-Wiz-start" and "Always".
In safe mode, only system applications are loaded at your Samsung Galaxy S5. All other apps will not be loaded and executed by Android. So it is now possible to uninstall the app of the the Samsung Galaxy S5, which can not be erased. Navigates now to:
Menu --> Settings --> Application Manager --> tab "Installed Apps".
Search for the App you want to uninstall from your smartphone and tap on it to open the App-Information-Card. You can see now a button with "Uninstall". Tap on it to delete the app from your device.
Tur turn off Safe-Mode, reboot your Samsung Galaxy S5 now.