Samsung Galaxy S6 Apps appear very big – Solution

If the apps on your Samsung Galaxy S6 be displayed very large and perhaps also some features that you know are missing, then it may be that you have the so-called "Easy Mode" accidentally enabled on the smartphone. In this mode including the menu, all apps will appear larger and also the functionality of TouchWiz is reduced.

Samsung Galaxy S6

This mode is especially designed for the elderly people to find their way with Android. If this is not the case with you then we now explain brief how to disable the Easy Mode on the Samsung Galaxy S6 again.

Navigate from your home screen to the page where you will find the icon for the settings. Tap on the icon in the form of a gear to show you the system settings. Now scroll down until you see "Personal" and the menu item "Simple Mode". Tap on this.

You can now switch to “Standard Mode". Accept the setting with "Ok". So you now see the menu and the Apps in the standard design of TouchWiz and in the usual optics.

You know now why on your Samsung Galaxy S6 suddenly all app icons are shown very large, functions are missing and how you can easily turn off the “Simple mode” again under Android.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.