Clash Royale does not start - indicator stops at 50%

If you have installed Clash Royale on your Android smartphone, you may have the following problem: After starting the game, the charge indicator appears, where the progress does not exceed 50%. The cause for this can be different.

The following scenarios and solutions are possible to get the game Clash Royale to run:

  1. Exit Clash Royale via Task Manager

Often it helps, if the above error appears, that the game is simply closed completely via Task Manager once. Open the Task Manager on your Android smartphone, usually via one of the soft-key buttons, and then exit Clash Royale. Then restart the game, which should lead to it loading completely and you can conquer chests.

  1. Check internet connection

Often it helps to check the internet connection again. Do you really have a net? If you are connecting to the Internet via a mobile data network, please check if it gets better with a W-Lan connection.

  1. Server problems with Clash Royale

It can happen that Clash Royale has server problems, which means that you cannot log in to the game. What remains is a progress indicator that stops at 50%. Here it helps then simply to announce itself again 10 minutes later.

We hope this information will help you quickly get back to playing Clash Royale on your Android smartphone. Have fun


About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.