Huawei P20 Activate delivery report for text messages

If you belong to the generation that likes to write an SMS message instead of WhatsApp, then you certainly don't want to miss a function: The delivery report.

This is information about whether the SMS was successfully transmitted on the recipient's device. The delivery report is therefore a first indicator that a contact has reached the message.

It is no indication that he has read it!

The option to receive a delivery report is provided free of charge by the mobile operator. However, this reception report must also be requested. This requires a setting inside the Huawei P20.

The following article describes how to activate the delivery report for the Huawei P20

Huawei P20 Pro

1. Open the message app installed on the Huawei P20 at the factory

2. Tap the three-point icon

3. In the message overview in the top right corner of the screen, select "Settings" in the context menu and then "Advanced" from

4. You will then see the option "Receive SMS delivery report" - Activate this option by setting the slider to "On"

If you now send an SMS with the Huawei P20 and it is successfully transmitted to the contact, you will be informed of this with an acknowledgement of receipt.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.