PUBG Mobile crashes constantly on Android Smartphone - Tip

If you play the online game PUBG Mobile on your Android Smartphone, it can happen that the game crashes constantly and does not work correctly.

For this reason we want to give you here today a tip on how to fix problems and bugs that occur in connection with the app PUBG Mobile on Android:

To do this, the data and the cache of the PUBG Mobile App are deleted. We will explain to you here exactly how this works in detail.

Before you start, please check that you have saved your data in the game, for example via Google Play games. Once that has been clarified, then we can get started:

Empty data and cache in the PUBG Mobile app to prevent crashes in the future

  1. Open the settings
  2. Select apps on your Android smartphone - you should now see all apps installed on your smartphone in a list
  3. Select PUBG Mobile and then "Save"
  4. You will now see two buttons: Delete data Clear cache
  5. Select both buttons one after the other

The app data are now reset and the smartphone should now be restarted once. Afterwards you can open PUBG Mobile again.

Now you have to enter your access data and you should be able to use the game again as usual. Crashes should no longer occur.

You now know how to proceed if the game PUBG Mobile crashes and does not work correctly.


About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.