Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Enable Safe Mode - Solved

There is a special mode on your Samsung Galaxy Note 9 that allows you to boot only apps and applications that are integrated in the original firmware.

This is the safe mode, also called safe mode. This should always be used when an additional app installed from an App Store or APK, for example, causes problems and no longer allows the device to operate.

Below we show you how to activate Safe Mode on the Samsung Galaxy Note 9:

Safe Mode - How to activate

1. Turn the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 off

2. Turn the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 on and hold down the Volume Quieter button from the beginning

3. Hold it down until Android is loaded and the Sim Card Pin prompt is displayed. At the bottom left you should see "Safe Mode".

You have now successfully activated the Safe Mode on the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 and can now uninstall or delete for example a disturbing or faulty app.

Afterwards the safe mode can be ended again. Deactivate safe mode on the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Simply switch off the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 and let it restart normally - done!

Now you know how to activate or deactivate the safe mode on the Samsung Galaxy Note 9.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.