Many may not have noticed it, but Samsung created the possibility to use Google Daydream with one of the latest updates. This means you can choose between a Galaxy Gear VR and a Daydream View headset to get your virtual reality experience.
Below we have written a tutorial that shows you how to activate Daydream on your Galaxy S8. I
f your smartphone has the latest firmware and Google has rolled out the VR Services update to your phone, you probably already have Daydream on your phone! You just don't know it yet! Because the Google update will be installed in the background without much notice.
Take a look at your apps to see if you can already open Daydream as an app. If this is not the case and you have installed the last firmware update, please proceed as follows to use Daydream.
Install Daydream on the Samsung Galaxy S8 - Tip
1. Open the settings and then the submenu "Apps"
2. Tap on the icon with the three dots in the upper right corner and then select "Show system applications" from
3. Search for "Google VR Services" and tap on it
4. Tap on the button "Force stop"
5. Now open the google Play Store and search for "Daydream"
6. Select Google Daydream and install the app on your device.
You have just successfully installed Google Daydream on the Samsung Galaxy S8 and can now dive into virtual reality with suitable VR glasses.