In Android on the Samsung Galaxy S9 you can activate additional options. These are known as developer options or developer mode. Once you have activated these options, they will appear as an entry in the settings menu.
Maybe you don't need them at all and want to hide the developer options again. This seems impossible at first, because there is no corresponding button for it.
Therefore you have to make use of a little trick that hides the developer options again, if you absolutely want it to. Please proceed as follows: Attention! It is possible that your Android settings will be lost! (Depending on the Android version).
Normally this should not be the case. But a backup can never hurt!
1. Open the settings from the start screen
2. Navigate further to "Apps"
3. Search for "Settings" in the list of apps displayed and select the entry
4. Now go to the menu item "Memory" and then to the following button:
- Delete data
Subsequently, the option "Developer options" is no longer contained in the list of settings. You have successfully hidden them.
Of course you can show them again by using the build number method again. If you don't know how to do this anymore, you can find the appropriate instructions here: