The Samsung Galaxy S9 is currently struggling with a bug that is as follows for the end user. You get a call, but your phone doesn't notify you. That means: You don't hear a ringing tone or vibration and you don't get a message about a missed call.
You can only check whether you have received such a call via the call log. If you also have such a bug on your Samsung Galaxy S9, there are several approaches that can fix it.
However, a final solution must come through an update from Samsung.
Tip 1: Deactivate call ID and spam protection
Open the phone app “Phone” on your device. Press the three-point symbol and then the "More" button. Then go to Settings and then Caller ID and Spam. Deactivate the option Caller ID and Spam.
Tip 2: Remove notifications from "Optimize battery consumption"
Open the settings and then "Device maintenance. Continue with "Battery" and then tap on "Battery consumption".
Tap on the three items at the top right -> Select "Optimize battery consumption" from Select "All apps" from Look for "Notification" --> Deactivate the optimization by using the slider.
Tip 3: Badge Provider option
For this, you must now navigate back to the settings Open the menu item "Apps" Tap on the three items at the top right and select "Show system applications" Search for "Badge Provider" and open the entry.
Select in the app info "Memory" and then touch the two buttons:
- Clear data
- Clear cache
These three tips will hopefully help you resolve the problem with incoming calls.
As soon as there's news about this bug, you'll get it here.