Samsung Galaxy S9 Set contact image – Tip

With a contact image you can recognize contacts stored on your Samsung Galaxy S9 even better in the phone app or the contacts app. If you now have contacts that do not yet have an assigned contact image, we would like to explain here how you can add one to them.

Assign a photo to a contact on the Samsung Galaxy S9

Samsung Galaxy S9

1. Start from the start screen and open the contacts app of the Samsung Galaxy S9. Select a contact to which you want to add a contact picture.

2. A small ribbon opens. Press here on "Details". You will now see the contact information in the detailed view.

3. Select "Edit" and you will see a circle with a camera icon in the middle in a new window. Select this one.

4. The live camera view of the Samsung Galaxy S9 opens and you now have two options:

  • Capture a new image - Tap the shutter button
  • Select image from gallery - Tap the gallery icon

5. To the right of the shutter button, and depending on your choice, you can now take or select a profile image or contact image with the Samsung Galaxy S9.

This contact is then stored in your contact list with its own contact picture. This is very useful because you can recognize it very quickly when you scroll through the list.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.