WhatsApp now also offers the ability to make group calls. This is a kind of conference where you can add several participants and then make phone calls. A useful thing that has never been possible before.
However, if you have WhatsApp version 2.18.165 or higher, you will be offered the group call in WhatsApp.
How to make such a group call in WhatsApp is explained here: Start group call in WhatsApp - Add participant
- Start WhatsApp
- Now type a participant from your contact list
- Press the call button (handset) at the top of the bar
- Now a call is made to the contact - if there is a connection, the next participant can be added
- Tap the icon with the small figure and the plus icon at the top right. now repeat steps 5 + 6 for each participant to be added to the group call. Please note that the more participants involved in the call, the lower the quality.
You now know how to make a group call in WhatsApp and add more participants.