Apple HomePod How to deactivate the hearing history - Solved

The Apple HomePod is a beautiful and technically mature speaker for playing music such as Apple Music, AirPlay or Spotify.

In addition, the Apple HomePod has a cool feature on board: the listening history

This is used to create music recommendations for the user. The problem with this is that when several people in the household use the Apple HomePod, different music genres are suggested.

Everything is possible, from radio plays for children to hip hop and techno. Depending on what the individual person likes to hear about the Apple HomePod at home.

Here it is then recommended to deactivate the hearing history on the Apple HomePod. How to do this is explained below:

1. Open the Home App on an iPhone or iPad.

2. Briefly place your finger on the Apple HomePod.

3. In the Home app on the iPhone, select Settings on the lower right

4. As the fourth menu item you will see "music & podcasts"

5. Here you can now deactivate "use hearing history".

You have just successfully deactivated the hearing history on your Apple HomePod.

You will no longer receive any hearing suggestions based on the music you have already listened to.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.