Apple Watch 4 fall detection Activating or deactivating - Tip

The new Apple Watch 4 has some useful features integrated. These also include so-called fall detection. If this is activated, an emergency call is automatically made when the watch detects that you have fallen and can no longer move.

If you are older than 65 years, this function is automatically active. For younger users, this option must be enabled in the Apple Watch 4 preferences.

Below we will show you how to manually activate or deactivate fall detection on Apple Watch 4:

Activate/ Disable fall detection manually on the Apple Watch 4 - Instructions

1. Open the Apple Watch app on your iPhone

2. Navigate to "Emergency call SOS"

3. Scroll down to "Fall detection" and activate or deactivate the option.

Note: Sports activities can cause a false alarm to be triggered by the fall detection.

Your Apple Watch 4 will alert you with a message and a "haptic poking".

If you then don't react to this function on the watch with "I haven't fallen" and don't cancel the emergency call, it will be sent automatically, which of course has corresponding consequences.

 It is possible that the costs of a rescue operation will be borne by the user.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.