Ghostbusters World GPS does not work - Solved

Ghostbusters World is a GPS based game for Android and iOS devices. Similar to Pokémon Go or Jurassic Park World you can catch ghosts and monsters here.

It may now happen that you are not shown on the map in Ghostbusters World at your current location, or your location is not located by GPS. It can also happen that you are shown the following error:

"GPS not activated - No device signal was found. Make sure this app has been allowed access to your location."

If this is the case on your Android smartphone, you now have the following options to get a correct GPS signal:

Fix Ghostbusters World GPS Signal Problems on Android Smartphone

Is GPS enabled on your smartphone?

This is the first place you should check. This is also very easy to check. On your Android smartphone, drag the status bar with two fingers from above into the display.

Here you should now see a GPS symbol on the toggles. This must be marked when GPS is active. If the GPS on your Android smartphone is not activated, touch the icon so that it is now marked as active.

Location accuracy "high

The location accuracy under Android should have been set to high. This is the only way to play Ghostbusters World without problems.

Under Android you can find the settings for most smartphones like Samsung Galaxy devices or Huawei smartphones as follows (differences depending on model and Android version possible):

Open it:

  • Homescreen --> Settings --> Privacy & Security --> Location Mode

If you have executed tip 1 correctly, it is "active".

Touch "Search method". In any case, select the following setting here:

  • GPS, WLAN and mobile networks

This will enable the highest location accuracy and Ghostbusters World should no longer produce the GPS signal error when you start the app.

Update AGPS data

If no GPS signal was found for Ghostbusters World, you may need to update the AGPS data. Unfortunately such a function is not available in Android, so you have to use the following app:

If you have installed the app on your Android smartphone, please open it. If you have not already done so, switch the GPS of your smartphone to "On".

In the GPS application overview with the compass rose, tap anywhere on the display and then tap the three bar icons in the upper left corner to display the menu.

In the now opened side menu select the option "Manage AGPS data".

Now selects the following buttons one after the other:

  • reset
  • download

The AGPS data of the smartphone are reset and reloaded.

You have now successfully reset the A-GPS data on your Android smartphone and loaded the new data.

Now restart your smartphone and open Ghostbusters World. The GPS signal error should no longer be present.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.