GoPro Hero 7 Black battery discharges very quickly - Tips

Those who have bought the Actioncam GoPro Hero 7 for the first time or already own it for some time might notice that the battery discharges very quickly.

Fast discharge in this case means that the battery loses several 10% of its capacity within a few hours. In our test device, the battery lost 70% of its performance overnight, i.e. in 8 hours.

Such a camera cannot be used and is a disaster in everyday life. That's why we show you here some tips you can do to get a handle on the battery problem with the GoPro Hero 7:

Tips that help when the battery of the Hero 7 Black goes low quickly

Turn off WLan - this is the most common reason for battery discharge

Go Pro Hero 7

Even if the GoPro Hero 7 is switched off, the W-Lan module remains switched on, which of course demands the power supply of the system, as the system is constantly searching for signals.

Open the GoPro Hero 7 settings and navigate to Connections. Take out "W-Lan" here.

Turn off GPS

In addition to W-Lan, the GPS should also be deactivated. This can also be deactivated under Settings - Connections on the GoPro.

Deactivating Voice Command

Now also switch off the voice control to correct the error. To do this, drag the status bar and then deactivate the corresponding toggle.

Installing the latest firmware on the GoPro Hero 7

Please check if the firmware installed on the GoPro Hero 7 is up to date. If this is not the case, it is imperative that you perform a firmware update.

Using the Recommended SD Card

GoPro recommends to use only the following MicroSD memory cards, which are included in the following list:

     List of recommended MicroSD memory cards for the GoPro Hero 7

It still doesn't work?

The battery of the GoPro Hero 7 Black still goes empty in switched off mode? This is also the case if the GoPro Hero 7 is switched off and all connections are deactivated?

Then it's probably the battery's fault. According to GoPro Forum there are batteries from China and Vietnam. Problems are caused by the batteries from China, which seem to work from Vietnam.

What can we do now?

If you still have fun with the camera, then call the GoPro Support. They will most likely send you a new battery, but it may cause similar problems.

Alternatively the GoPro sends back. Because an action camera for this price must not have any teething troubles as with the battery.

Do you also have problems with your GoPro Hero 7 Black? Were you able to solve the problem? Share it with us in the comments!

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.